First prediction of intrinsic spin Hall effect in Weyl semimetals
Y Sun, Y Zhang, C Felser, B Yan, Phys. Rev. Lett. 117, 146403 (2016). Since their discovery, topological insulators are expected to be...

Chiral antiferromagnets present the Weyl semimetal phase
H. Yang, Y. Sun, Y. Zhang, W.-J. Shi, S. S. P. Parkin, and B. Yan, New Journal of Physics 19, 015008 (2017). Recent experiments revealed...

MoTe2 from our prediction has been verified as the first type-II Weyl semimetal
Weyl semimetal (WSM) can be classified into type-I, which respects Lorentz symmetry, and type-II, which does not. In a type-II WSM, the...